
1907 “Metallurgica Vallecamonica”, a forging company founded by the Rusconi family from Breno is created in Malegno.

1919 The “Carlo Tassara” ironworks company starts producing steels and ferroalloys.

1960 The “Carlo Tassara” company aquires “Metallurgica Vallecamonica” and gathers in Breno all production activities, steel making and forging.

1986 Metalcam is set up in order to absorb all production activities carried out until then by the Carlo Tassara company. 

1996 Metalcam buys Breda Fucine, a company operating in Milan which deals mainly with forgings for the Oil & Gas industry and weaponry.

1997 Metalcam buys Schmiedetechnik Vorlaender GmbH in Hilchenbach, Germany, a company specializing in the production of steel forgings
and small to medium size laminated rings.

2002 Adamello Steel, a workshop specializing in the production of sheet steel, is created within the Metalcam Group.

2006 Metalcam sets up a new company called Valforge, specializing in the production of small & medium size forgings.

2007 BS s.r.l and Adamello Meccanica workshops are created, specializing respectively in rough and final machined parts produced by Metalcam, so as to complete the whole machining cycle with the outstanding result of being able to supply fully finished parts to its customers.

2010 Metalcam expands its production capacity by adding a new 70 tons manipulator and a Heat Stability test machine.

2013 Metalcam realized a new 3000 mq covered area to further improve their internal productive capacity.